When Their Memories Became Mine: Moving Beyond My Parents' Past

When Autism Comes to Roost:

Assisted Living & Modern Times

Shot in the Head: A sister's Memoir, A Brother's Struggle

Unfaithful Mind

Love's All That Makes Sense 

When  Quietness Came

What A Life Can Be

My Schizophrenic Life


The Adolescent Owner's Manual

Dawson Fiction

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Recommended by the World Fellowship for Schizophrenia and Allied Disorders

"very comprehensive", Dr. E. Fuller Torrey, psychiatrist and author of Surviving Schizophrenia

"A goldmine of history and information", Dr. Carol Parlow, psychiatrist, Oakville, Ontario


"a powerful resource for anyone looking for answers and insight into the world of mental illness."  Schizophrenia Digest Magazine, Fall 2008

A"critical and lucid review" Jean Desclin MD PhD

He goes on to say that the book demystifies a number of superstitions and false beliefs about schizophrenia and that it explains the causes of mental illness that are not well explained by what he terms "so-called professionals".  Here is his review (in French)

"a primer on schizophrenia....in which he explains what the disease is (and is not), the effects it has on individuals, families, and society, and current, past, and future treatment methodologies, options, and practices. He explains and details all of this in language the interested reader can easily understand." Blog Critics Review

"a helpful and empowering guide" Abilities Magazine - Issue 77, Winter 2008/09

"This hard-edged blueprint takes a logical approach, giving a much-needed critique of historical myth as well as all too recent quasi-scientific blunderings that may have caused decades of delay in the search for rational treatment for this far-from-rational and thoroughly misunderstood disease. Too much received opinion on this subject has been wrong, and Ross correctly dedicates considerable space to expunging error." From an Amazon Review  Read the full review

Hear an interview with Marvin Ross on Blog Talk Radio

From the preface by David Dawson MD, FRCP(C) - former Professor of Psychiatry, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University and former psychiatrist in chief, Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital, both in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

"Marvin Ross' commendable book is a survey examining schizophrenia in the United States, Europe, Canada, and Australia. As he writes, the mentally ill of many western countries are not faring as well as they might have in 1960 or 1970, despite our advances in knowledge, treatment, and our nations' wealth"

Read Marvin's Commentary on Huffington Post

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Kindle Version and in other e-book formats

Distributed by Ingram Book Company, trade paper, 188 pages, $19.95 US retail (ISBN 978-0-9810037-0-2) 

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